A downloadable game for Windows

*This game was created for the ScoreSpace game jam and has yet to be updated.*


AD - move

Space - Jump/Wall Jump

C - Roll

E - Interact

R - Restart


A major production facility owned by the mega-corporation "Anazom" is under serious threat. The core generator that keeps the factory running is overheating and you, being the only crisis prevention unit on-site, must shut it down before the whole building comes down.


  • Some realtime lights flicker.
  • The player can deform horribly when dying.
  • Leaderboard name overwrite is disabled i think?
  • The player does a little hop when landing from a wall jump.
  • Hazard triggers are inconsistent.


Pardon my french but that might've been the hardest I've ever fucking worked on a game in only three days. This game was made for the ScoreSpace jam which had a theme of "Overheat". If I'm completely honest I do NOT deserve to score very highly on the theme category. I kind of just really wanted to do a cool robot action game and decided to make the narrative around the theme instead of the gameplay. Kind of silly for a guy studying game design but whatever. I did actually have an idea that worked great but that was like 2 days late. Once the jam is over I'm actually quite interested in expanding on this game since I think at its core it has great potential. I just couldn't really make the whole thing come to fruition in three days the way I wanted it do. The story could definitely do some tweaking. The ending was something I decided while slightly hungover and quite tired with time running out. Which seems to be how a lot my jams have been going lately lmao. Anyway I like to think of this game as my return to game dev. With more on the way. FOR REAL THIS TIME!


AI was used to generate and help with multiple scripts in the game. Speeding up the process of simple script generation was the extent of AI use in the game. Any CCA assets used are listed here. All other assets used were within full legal right.

Updated 27 days ago


Windows 98 MB

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